Eclipse #14

Eclipse continues to its fiery conclusion!  After this there are only two issues left.  Last issue left us wondering if our heroes were going to make it, and after a long month, we finally get the answer.

The Cover

The cover features Cielo and her father hiding in the shade provided by a food truck.  In front of them a terrified crowd fights for the last remaining bits of shade.  The sun bleaches the background and is burning those caught in its rays.  It really just encapsulates the threat the daylight world now poses to humanity, and the genuine fear and panic on everyone’s faces is incredibly well drawn.

The Art

Giovanni Timpano and Flavio Dispenza continue to impress with this book.  The attention to detail and how colour work is used to bring everything to life is breathtaking.  Timpano adds little details to every scene – from the jagged edges on the debris Cielo and her father use to shield themselves, to the detail in the buildings in the background.  They add a level of authenticity to the world.  This book has been consistently great from issue to issue, and this art team deserves all the credit in the world for that!

The Story

After the breakneck pace that Zack Kaplan opened the final arc with, he slows the pacing a bit with Issue #14.  This issue pulls it back a bit, and lays the groundwork for a final sprint to the finish line.

The issue begins with a flashback to Solarity executives meeting with representatives from the U.S. government.  New York has working power and the government wants it.  The meeting ends with the New Yorkers being the only ones left standing, and helps give a greater understanding of how far the Solarity leadership team was willing to go to keep New York safe.

From there we are shown how both Bax and Cielo are able to make it to safety, and the issue ends with Parker, the final albino unveiling his grand plan.

I’ve loved this issue from the get go, and with all the backstory and character development that Kaplan has laid down from day one, it’s going to be fascinating to see how far he pushes these characters and how he ends it.  Eclipse is an amazing series, go grab the trades to get up to date and get on the train and enjoy the last ride!

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